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Category Archives: Death & Rebirth
Slipping Into Darkness
I just had to borrow that great title from a song by the 80’s band War, because it’s been going through my head for the last few days. It’s a reflection of the powerful deepening that this time of year … Continue reading
Posted in Amrita, Death & Rebirth, Gratitude, High Holy Days, Releasing
Tagged Amrita, death & rebirth, High Holy Days, Samhain
Counting The Blessings of Cancer
Really? Blessings of cancer? Isn’t cancer a horrific disease that kills people after months or years of pain and suffering? In some cases, yes, cancer is a killer disease with treatments that are sometimes far worse than the disease itself. … Continue reading
Amazing Grace
As I begin my journey with cancer, Adrianna Grace is completing hers. I met Adrianna in April of 2006 at a Divine Feminine Institute workshop on Maui. I moved to Maui in June of that year, and we became good … Continue reading