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Category Archives: Blessings
Cancer Free, One Year Later
The Benefits of Letting Go May 29, 2014 is the one year anniversary of my double mastectomy and breast reconstruction, and I can’t help but notice how fast the year has gone by. When I received my diagnosis, I let … Continue reading
Posted in Blessings, Dancing with Cancer, Releasing
Tagged cancer free, Gratitude, healing from breast cancer, wordpress websites
Turning Contrast Into Gratitude
Have you ever noticed how wonderful it feels to come home after being away for awhile? Or to be healthy after being sick? I got to experience both together recently, and I really noticed the impact on my gratitude, joy, … Continue reading
Posted in Blessings, Gratitude, Sacred Feminine, Standing Stones
Tagged Celtic, Contrast, Gratitude
The Gratitude Experiment
As the harvest season gives way to the holiday season, abundance is in evidence all around me. Even though I don’t live on a farm and I do live in a tropical climate, I still feel the overflowing cornucopia of … Continue reading
Counting The Blessings of Cancer
Really? Blessings of cancer? Isn’t cancer a horrific disease that kills people after months or years of pain and suffering? In some cases, yes, cancer is a killer disease with treatments that are sometimes far worse than the disease itself. … Continue reading
#8 On the Other Side of Surgery
Two days out of surgery and still in the hospital, Amrita talks about the surgery and reconstruction and how she is recovering as well as the quality of care she has received.
Posted in Blessings, Gratitude, Healing
Tagged Amrita, Breast Cancer Mystery School, Grace
#1 The Breast Cancer Mystery School
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_vnxWDEu5c?rel=0&w=420&h=315] Amrita Grace speaks about beginning her journey with breast cancer in her first video blog.
In the Magdalene Temple
In many ways, I’ve been feeling disassociated from my priestess self. From my connection with the Goddess. It seems like I set most of that aspect of myself aside to be part of Divine Feminine Institute, crazy as that sounds. … Continue reading
Posted in Archetypes, Blessings, Mary Magdalene, Reclaiming Aphrodite
Tagged Mary Magdalene