The Sacred Feminine Mystery School Vision


O u r  G l o b a l  V i s i o n



♥  Imagine a world in which sexual assault, sex trafficking, and childhood sexual abuse no longer exist.

Imagine a world in which parents, schools, and religions teach age-appropriate sexual education that is life-affirming, truthful, shame-free, and respects the sacredness of our bodies.

♥  Imagine a world where balanced masculine and feminine energies are safe to be fully expressed.

♥  Imagine a world where people of all genders and colors accept and acknowledge each other as empowered, sovereign beings.

♥  Imagine a world in which our sexual energy is honored as sacred.

♥  I believe this world is within our reach, in our lifetime. When we heal our own sexuality, we impact every aspect of our lives… our relationships, our families, our work, our passion for life, our health and vitality, and the health and vitality of our planetary society.

♥  Imagine a world in which safe, gentle, effective sexual healing is readily available. It’s here, and it’s called Sacred Sexual Awakening & Healing®.

Learn more about upcoming retreats, weekend workshops, and teacher trainings here.

About Amrita

Amrita Grace is fiercely committed to guiding spirit-led women into their authentic, embodied personal power through Sacred Sexual Awakening & Healing® workshops, retreats, and teacher certification trainings designed by women, for women. She’s the award-winning, international bestselling author of “Reclaiming Aphrodite-The Journey to Sexual Wholeness” and “Dancing with Breast Cancer-The Sacred Feminine Path to Wholeness,” a Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator, an Ordained High Priestess, and Co-Founder of The Sacred Feminine Mystery School.
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8 Responses to The Sacred Feminine Mystery School Vision

  1. Sahara says:

    Amirta & Caroline, I love your ‘sacred feminine’ vision for your Mystery School! This so much resonates for me. Your passion and dedication to sexual healing for women is so beautiful and honorable. Sending prayers and blessings to hold this vision. Thank you!!

  2. jim rowland says:

    I have finally begun to realize the shame, slings & arrows directed to anyone who does not meet the exact conformity that friends and yes even close relatives demand of me if I have a attraction to a same sex person.

  3. Sherrilyn Chiu says:

    A divinely inspired, spiritual, sacred vision, as is this work. Actually stating the vision of the Sacred Feminine Mystery School, putting the energy of these intentions into the Universe, will ensure the manifestation of this vision.

  4. Wendy says:

    Holding that vision with you. Such a power-filled and blessed vision. ♥️♥️♥️

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